A review by marsetta
The Devil's Work by Mark Edwards


4.5 out of 5

Thank you to Publisher Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

The story is told from the point of view of Sophie, a married mum of one, who is getting back into the workforce after having her daughter. She is headhunted and lands her dream job at Jackdaw Publishing. The book goes between present and 15 years earlier when Sophie was at university with Jasmine, the grand-daughter of the founder of Jackdaw Publishing.

Almost immediately bad things start to happen to her - missing emails and horrible tweets from her husband's Twitter account. But why is it happening and why is it aimed at Sophie. What is her ambitious young assistant really up to? And what exactly happened to Sophie’s predecessor? When her husband and daughter are pulled into the nightmare, Sophie is forced to confront the darkest secrets she has carried for years.

As her life begins to fall apart at work and at home, Sophie must race to uncover the truth about her new job…before it kills her.

This is the first time I have read a book by Mark Edwards and it certainly won't be my last.
It was such a great read, I finished it in less than 2 days, just couldn't put it down. So many twists and turns, I can't recommend this highly enough.

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