A review by firesoulbird
The Hedgewitch Queen by Lilith Saintcrow


Vianne...you know, it took me until I was almost finished with this book to realize who she reminded me of. That person? Bella Swan. That should tell you everything right there. Ok, she has slightly more of a backbone, but still. Vianne starts out perfectly fine - she escapes treachery and murder using her wits. However, she then proceeds to throw out her brain and become quite the moron for the rest of the book. The following is an actual scene from early on in this novel:

Vianne: *wanders off alone into the bandit-filled woods*

Bandit: Hi there! We're going to rape you!

Knights/bodyguards: *show up* Die, bandits!

Vianne: No, don't kill them! They don't mean any harm!

Of course since Tristan, the Captain of the King's Guard and love interest, is not entirely an idiot, he has them killed anyway.

The prose is so obnoxiously purple. Plus this is some sort of AU France. That's fine in itself, except that there's bastardized French every other word, and it's awful. There are apostrophes everywhere.

Since I have the second book already, I'll have to read it. Sigh.