A review by trinielf
On the Edge of Scandal by Tamsen Parker


i liked this one well enough. Where the book really shone for me is the characters' voice, as with the previous book the characters' personalities really shine through and both POV's were really distinct.

i dont know much about winter sports at all but i wasn't too lost with the hockey deets and in fact it was cool to learn about the differences between the mens and womens team, and other details about the games.

I have to admit Brownwyn ticked me off near the end of the book there because i just felt she was being ridiculous! and there were little moments where she'd say stuff that pisses me off: like she's comparing her ex, Brody's body to Ash and basically says his build (Brody's) means he's built like a man but he dsnt act like one? uhhh so is Ash less of a man because he's not all buff like Brody??? what even was that? and how does a man's build even have anything to do with him *being* a man like >.>

So while i was frustrated with her getting angry and Ash for what i felt was no reason, i still liked this one and i'll be reading the next book which i already have and is f/f so excited for that!