A review by teaffany
Destiny: Child of the Sky by Elizabeth Haydon


At last we learn who the F'Dor host is! I didn't think I could make it.

I enjoyed the 'conclusion' to this tale. I love when things get wrapped up nicely, tying all loose ends up.. Learning who the 'time keeper' was, Rhapsody and Ashe, etc.

Rhapsody, however, was still unbelievably insufferable. If she wasn't relate able in the first two books, she definitely wasn't in this one. Loved by all who meet her, How many titles of ruler-ship does she have? And honestly.. Ashe comes across as so freaking possessive and thoughtless sometimes! I don't understand him. When I'd read his perspective sometimes I'd literally face-palm at his ridiculousness.

I have the next book in the series, of which I thought it was a trilogy. If I read it and find the characters I find annoying, to remain much the same I don't know if I'll continue with the rest of the books.

Regardless of my somewhat dislike of 2 of the main characters, I would give it a read! The plot, world, and creation is almost flawless and I would read it again for that alone.. Even though Rhapsody can talk quite loudly sometimes! ;)