A review by btpbookclub
The Cosy Coffee Shop of Promises by Kellie Hailes


This was a buddy read with Mel from Melanie’s Reads and it is a short, light and easy read. Book one in the Rabbits Leap series. A brilliant start to the series and one I cannot wait to continue reading. Main character Mel has her own coffee shop in this small town but soon find herself under threat by a coffee machine in the local pub. Local pub owner Tony is trying to save his pub and clear his debts.

These two main characters soon find themselves in a fake engagement when Mel’s mother turns up unannounced. In a love-hate relationship will they both be able to keep up the pretence? Will Tony be able to save his pub and Mel keep her cafe running? A happy ending or a disaster? A perfect, short escapism of a read. A well deserved four stars from me. I look forward to seeing what lies ahead for this series.