A review by jmiae
An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter by César Aira


This novella deserves to be read with more care and precision than I was prepared to this go around. I preferred to be swept along by the story first, and to enjoy the curious blend of historical narrative and fiction that it encompasses. From what I can make out from Johann Rugendas' Wikipedia page, his travels in Chile and Argentina were not quite as dramatic as Aira's depiction suggests, but it is just Wikipedia and I did not attempt to delve any further into his letters or other historical sources.

The takeaway for me here is primarily the gorgeous translation of what I can only imagine was an even more beautiful original text. The descriptions of everything - the people, the places - in Chile and Argentina in the 1800s are astounding and rendered so distinctly and uniquely without losing their sense of historicity. Honestly, it's a triumph. And only 88 pages. It demands a closer second reading, and hopefully, given its inviting length, I can pay my due again before too long and while the memory of this first read is still relatively fresh.