A review by dmc_lean
A Lady of the West by Linda Howard

I have… so many thoughts. Where to start?

What I liked:
- the description of Roper at the beginning as this cold blooded killer really gave me first season of Dexter vibes, and I liked him (that changed multiple times while reading but I’ll get to that)
- watching the Major go insane
- the build up of tension leading into the half way point where Jake, Garnet and the Major are all making moves that you know will culminate in a confrontation

What grew on me:
- Celia. I was not a fan in the beginning but by the end I was 1000% gutted about her ending. It did not serve the story and she deserved better. Her and Luis was cute as hell.
- The head hopping POVs. This took a while to get used to but I was surprised by how much I didn’t mind it. It helped keep the story going.

What I am still conflicted about:
- Jake. When he was just a badass gunslinger getting revenge on the Major, I was all for it. In fact, if the book had ONLY been about that, I would have loved it. But as a romantic lead? No.
- Victoria. I can count on one hand the amount of times she impressed me. I’d need a few extra limbs to count the amount of times she frustrated the heck out of me. She also fell in love with Jake very quickly, and I didn’t feel very connected to the romance.

What I could not deal with:
- Boy, is it obvious this was written at a different time. The 90’s eh? If historical accuracy is your thing, then you might not be bothered by all the casual racism, sexism, misogyny, and sexual harassment but I’d rather my love stories not have those things.