A review by blodeuedd
Chaosmage by Stephen Aryan


What a great conclusion to this series! I really enjoyed this series, it was light, haha, oh you know I love that word! It was light of writing, it was not light in tone. Nope, it was dark in tone. Light writing and dark tone equals: great fantasy series that people should read.

They are all set at different times and different people, but it works. Sure peace came in book 1 but true peace takes time.

In this one one of the cities in Shael is in trouble. The country suffered greatly in the war. And now the dead walk and hunt the living. No, not zombies. What is going on in the city?

In the city we have the Of Alyssa, who tries to rally people together. And Zannah who was really fascinating. She was the invading enemy that stayed behind and everyone hates her, but they also know she is keeping them alive.

Balruss, the mighty battlemage who saved everyone during the war. And Tammy, the guardian that travels with him to this haunted city. Tammy was kickass!

It takes place in the city. There is death, dead? people. And just a book that I read so fast and could not put it down. Light in writing, dark in tone. Just perfect.

And that was the end! *sobs* But there is another series that takes place 10 years after. Yay. I want more about the weird gods!