A review by advujovich
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2003 by Dave Eggers, Zadie Smith


My dad had picked this one up and got bored with it. I loved Zadie Smith's introduction to the novel concerning what you feel you should be reading and how you often miss a lot of contemporary literature because you spend all your time reading what you "should" be reading. It brought up my overwhelming emotions that I can never read everything out there, but then lead me to think that this probably means I should just read whatever I want to. A few of the stories that I loved: "The Littlest Hitler" by Ryan Boudinot made me laugh out loud; "Tales of the Tyrant" by Mark Bowden--creative nonfiction about Saddam Huessien; "Saint Chola" by K. Kvashay-Boyle; and (my favorite) "Rana Fergina" about two very different girls who come together to dissect a frog, by Dylan Landis. Lots of new authors to look into!