A review by shelbells427
Death By Pumpkin Spice by Alex Erickson


Was really disappointed by this book. It was my first cozy mystery of the fall and while the plot was okay, the main character was so insufferable it was a little hard to get through. 

Despite being a grown adult, Krissy felt like a mormon pre-teen. She couldn’t make herself say “slept with” or “had sex with.” She was also completely scandalized by other people’s consensual choices about their own sex lives. And at one point she talks about how the preacher of her church was kind to all of the trick or treaters “even the ones dressed as demons and devils” as if that was above and beyond what is expected of any adult. 

She is also just a law suit waiting to happen. Her involvement in the case was so far from appropriate. And she gets away with it because the police officer on the case has a crush on her. And while the feelings seem to be more or less mutual (don’t even get me started on her chaotic love life) she still mentions how she likes doing cases with him because he’s the easiest cop to “manipulate.” Yes she literally uses the word manipulate.

Although I am being harsh, I wouldn’t say it is a bad book. It got me through a long boring day and I read it in one sitting. But I also wouldn’t say that it’s a good book either. 

In summary: entertaining but mediocre