A review by bookarina
Tempting the Prince by Christi Barth


Disclaimer : I received an ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review

This is the third installment into a companion novels series. You do not need to read the first two to read this one. (That's what I personally did as this one was the one that really interested me)

I was super excited to read this novel, I knew going in that this was most probably going to be a cookie cutter type of story, following the mold and including an happily ever after. And it was, I had a wonderful time reading it, it took me out of what could've ended up being a reading slump and made me laugh and smile the whole time.

You follow a dual point of view, one of them is Malory (our main character in this novel, whom is the sister or adoptive sister of Kelsey the lost princess of a kingdom (read the first volume of this series to have her love story)) she is an "All American" type of girl, she loves fundraisers/charity planning and from what we get as explanation from the events of the past two novels, recovering from an attack in which she got shot in the stomach. Our second perspective is the Crown Prince, heir to the throne Christian (Kelsey's brother) who is currently acting as king instead of his father.

The story really pick up when they are alone (sort of) for the first time in a bar, which is a bar for the secret service who protect the royals, and have a game of darts. They have this tangible sexual tension and chemistry, they are equally attracted to one another but do not want to act on it as he has to marry a "noble girl, proper to be queen of the country. To be chosen from a list of candidates approved by the council." and Kelsey who is his younger sister and Malory's younger sister as they were raised as sister for 24 years until she was discovered as the kidnapped lost princess.

I loved the banter in this book, I was captivated from page one, and while it was not a story with mystery or intrigue I had a wonderful time reading it. I was hurting for Malory when she had a fight with Kelsey, mad at the council when their love story was doomed from the start and felt compassion for Christian who did not believe he would get an happily ever after.

This book is a fast read, I read it in one sitting, which is exactly how I like these type of stories to go. While it is nothing life changing, or "never seen before", but it is well made and captivates your attention making you unable to put it down. If you love to read modern royalty romances, with some smut and a whole lot of feelings, this is the book you should read. It will surely put a smile on your face.

Overall a wholesome story 4/5 stars.
