A review by trisha_thomas
The Body Keeper by Anne Frasier


This world. This awful world."

This was a bit of a different story for Jude. She's struggling to still fit in but now she needs to form actual relationships and bonds. She knows she should but doesn't know how to start - how to trust or let her guard down. In the midst of all this, bodies are showing up under ice. There is also an intermingled story about Boy. There are multiple POV and ones that were sometimes confusing. The plot felt a bit muddled and I didn't feel as connected to Uriah's current moment of struggle. There was a lot less Jude's new skills and a lot more drama about the ugliness of the world. This story felt different than the previous ones. Not bad, per say, but just pulled me in less than the others. I'll definitely keep an eye out for the next one, though, because I'm curious where it will go.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for furnishing a review copy. All opinions are my own.