A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Beastly Bones by William Ritter


I am the kind of person who can be sucked into one subject completely, until I grow bored of it and move on to the next. At the moment I'm sucked into Sherlock Holmes, and other detectives, retellings and I'm actually enjoying it to the fullest. Since I finished the first book in the Jackaby series I was already counting down the days until my week of waiting to read a book by the same author was over so I could pick up the second book.

And this second book is just as amazing as the first book! Mostly because the book is setting up a bigger arc that will surely span over the next three books in the series and also connected to the first one. Although I also really liked the mystery in this book. At times it seemed a little chaotic, with loads of characters and information and possible things that needed to be looked into, but in the end everything came together quite nicely and more than once I laughed out loud.

That's mostly because of Jackaby himself. I wouldn't say I have a crush on him. I'm a way too emotional person to fall in love with a person who lacks some basic understanding of human emotions, but I do think he's one of the most amazing male characters I've come across. He can be incredibly blunt and he blurts out things that every sane person would not even dare to think, but therefore he's quite unique and in a way also endearing. It's hard to get and stay angry with him.

I also really love Abigail and her journey. I especially liked the conflict that was brought up in this book. A part of Abigail does want to settle down and give in to the love she feels for Charlie, but a part of her needs adventure and doesn't want to give her job and its risks up. Without relying on brute strength, Abigail is becoming a stronger person during this story. And that's mostly because she learns to rely on her intellect. She's growing so very much into her own person and a likable one on top of it.

I can't wait to read the next installment in this series, hopefully next week!