A review by 1bookobsessionconfessions
Game Changer by Piper Lawson


4.25 STARS
Nova and Clay’s “meet cute” really sets the tone for the story and their relationship. It’s a bit messy, endearing and emotional right from the start. It gives a good peek at the characters true nature and it made me really like them both.
It’s a grumpy/sunshine romance with a dash of sports romance and celebrity. I love all of these tropes and they worked really well in this story for me.
Both characters are at turning points in their personal and professional lives. They are trying to move forward but, past feelings are lingering and holding them back in a sense.
I really love their interactions, I love the tension of their attraction. It’s a very delicious slow burn.
Both characters are immensely likable to me, I love the way they “click” and see each other in a deeper way than other people do. They both provide another perspective of things that the other is struggling with. It’s a great aspect of their relationship.
They’re both kind and generous in different ways. She is a bit of a free spirit. He’s focused on his career and doesn’t allow for much else, Nova becomes the exception to that.
Nova didn’t know who Clay was when they met and she isn’t impressed by his celebrity status, this is key to him letting her into his life.
I was engaged in the story and rooting for them personally and as a couple.
The cliffhanger caught me off guard, I didn’t know that this is a planned trilogy, luckily they are releasing about a month apart so the wait isn’t long.
I’m looking forward to more of this couple and their story. I really like them and I am excited to see where their journey takes them.