A review by fairytale42
Fire Keep by J. Scott Savage


To relieve my guilt, I will start by saying that I feel bad, because as soon as this book came out, I did not read it right away. Since I loved the characters, and the story, it hurt me that I wasn't doing whatever I could to read it. Anyway, I. FLIPPING. LOVED. THIS. BOOK. I'm completely serious. This book is perfection. Sure, there were a few typos. It also felt different, since I read it on a Kindle. But this book was perfect, from start to finish.
First off, you have a great intro. Then you have Marcus. He's in his cell, just like I would be doing if I was in his position. Then stuff happens, and Marcus realizes his mistake. And it takes off from there. We see the beauty, the shortcomings, the hardship. Then the ending. It was beautiful, and perfect, and ever so cool. To sum up - THIS BOOK IS PERFECT, READ THE SERIES, THEN REVEL IN HOW AMAZING THEY ALL ARE.