A review by lissyiszy
Borderlands Anthology by James Wymore


You get quite the amount of short stories in this book, sixteen to be exact. All of them I felt were well written and I enjoyed the different ways the authors interpreted "The Actuator" for each of their stories. It just shows how creative and unique each author can be when writing a story even if it's based on a common theme.

All the stories were well edited but some stories didn't intrigue me as much as some of the others. I'm not going to say which ones, but some stories had me more on the edge of my seat while others kind of crawled along. It might be due to the limited word count but some authors developed worlds better and some developed plots or characters better. It takes me a bit to get into a story but once I do, it ends. A lot of the times I felt like the endings were too abrupt for my liking but that may also be due to the limited word count.

Overall, it was ok for me. I feel that maybe I wasn't the exact target audience for some of these stories. It's more adult than I usually read. I stick with YA and NA but I would consider most of these stories more mature. They are definitely considered fantasy or scifi in genre but you also get some sub-genre like mystery, historical, steampunk, or drama so chances are you'll find something you like. If you enjoy the more mature and serious aspects of fiction then you'll probably enjoy these stories. It just wasn't quite for me.

3.2 out of 5 rating for me!

(A copy was provided by the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way.)