A review by nicoma
Blood Trade by Faith Hunter


Sad Kitty, Lonely Kitty, Big ole ball of Fur
Mad Kitty, Bad Kitty, Roar! Roar! Roar!

Jane is depressed. After the events of the last book where she lost Ricky Bo because she accused him of trying to kill her, and Molly because she killed her aunt, and Bruiser because he betrayed her by forcing a bonding between her and Leo, she's a tad depressed. Even Beast is in hiding and Jane is feeling lost. So when an opportunity falls in her lap for her to go to Mississippi and investigate a vampire problem, she loads up her weapons and her make shift family and takes off. Of course, things are never ever how they seem.

Let's see, we have weird insect like vampires that are almost impossible to kill, some kind of strange witch magic going on, a blast from her past, more hidden vampire politics, and a love triangle gone very bad. Mush it all together and you get one giant pile of crapfest. Jane is bad ass though and takes care of business.

soft kitty photo: Kitty Funny-Pics_Animated_Ak47Cat.gif

I really like this series but I am tired of the love triangle. At this point, I don't like either of them and Beast is just a cat in heat. Nothing is resolved and things are just sad and awkward. Other than that though, I love the action and the mystery that goes with it. We always learn a little tidbit of Jane's history, although I would have liked more and she kicks some serious butt. I really need to read the next book soon!