A review by amym84
Working Stiff by Rachel Caine


This book has been on my TBR list for a while now. I thought that I would finally get around to reading it before the second book [b:Two Weeks' Notice|12925173|Two Weeks' Notice (Revivalist, #2)|Rachel Caine|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1331685203s/12925173.jpg|18080684] is released in August.

Bryn was just hired on at a Funeral Home. She's at her first day on the job and to say the least it's a very traumatic first day for Bryn all ending with her uncovering what seems like illegal drug operations going on after hours. Bryn blacks out and wakes up sometime later only to discover she's be "revived". From here Bryn is thrown into a tangled mess with a pharmeceutical company that developed a drug to bring back the recently deceased.

I though that this was a good, new take on the zombie story. It doesn't get as gruesome as Bryn coveting brains for food, but there are definitely down sides to this version. Such as, every day Bryn must receive of shot of the drug otherwise her body will literally start to deteriorate yet her mind will remain sound and understand what is going on the whole time. What's worse is this process takes days to happen. Scary!

I liked the set-up that Rachel Caine gives us here. This book is the first in a series so obviously the introduction book, but she does a good job with the flow of the book to the point where we know where the second book will pick up and what storyline it will follow.

I don't think we've learned all there is to know about all the characters, and I think there are a few things from the past hinted at here by Caine that may pop up later in the series (however many books this series may be). I think it's a good start and I can't wait to continue reading it. Until Then!