A review by stefhyena
The Drowning Pool by Syd Moore


This was overall a bit disappointing, although it started well. The manager coming into a school and showing disrespect for teachers and teaching was extremely relateable and I don't know why she eroded that to let all the good things in her plot be taken over by a problematic romance with a control freak. There was literally nothing I liked about the romance aspect, I think it was a mistake to have it in there at all. Similarly I would have liked some more character development from any of the friends who were supposedly such a big part of life (it began with descriptions of four of them that made it sound like it would be about these slightly boozy but solid girls).

The historical stuff was the best, although some of it was just red herrings. The journals were written in a (to me) convincing voice, and there was a genuine sense of mystery in the story which was resolved well. Even so there were some bald patches as far as motivation was concerned, characters could have been better filled in here or there. The plot was also cluttered with so many things going on (ditch the romance, but also does everyone have to be bereaved?) that it was a bit hard to follow...the stuff with Sharon's mum kind of came out of nowhere and it shouldn't have.

The book made some feminist points (though could have carried them across to the modern day a tad better) and mostly built its mood well. I wasn't terrified but it was a bit spooky. Probably worth a look if you are bored.