A review by lilaezz
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab


Current rating: 3.5/5

Reread 30/5:

Reread to prepare for the Fragile Threads of Power and shout out to V.E. Schwab’s summer readalong for making me do this!

My first review hasn’t changed much. I still like and enjoy this book but it’s definitely the weakest of the trilogy. The first half was however a lot easier to get through because I already care about most of the characters which is why I’m changed the rating to 3.5⭐️

Original Review:

Original rating: 3⭐️

So I have quite mixed feelings about this book.

The first 150-200 pages where boring for lack of a better word but I did end up enjoying the book when the plot picked up around the 200 page mark.

The overall concept is really REALLY interesting and I think she handled it very well.

It took me a while to really warm up to the characters (except Rhy, I liked him instantly) but I ended up caring about them in the end.

The plot was my least favorite part but the book was still fast paced and easy to read so it didn’t bother me too much when it actually started. It just took a while for it to get going.

The world was well developed enough but I definitely wanna know more! The magic system was kinda a little bit confusing and I’m still not 100% sure how it actually works but I enjoyed that part as well.

The slow start is mostly the reason as to why I’m giving this book 3 stars. I even thought about DNFing it but I’m happy I didn’t. I’m overall happy I read it and I’m excited to read the next books whenever I end up buying them.