A review by l0rna
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Did not finish book. Stopped at 71%.
Stopped at Page 557. Definitely felt I was trudging through the book at first, although around the 300 page mark I started to get invested enough to continue. Felt both like a chore to read, but was constantly being pulled back to it. While the worldbuilding and descriptions were very vivid, particularly when
Theo is in Vegas
, it wasnt enough for me to continue. I found it hard to follow a life so constantly in turmoil, pain and suffering. For me, the last straw was when
Theo finds out about the death of Andy, and begins to date Kitsey even though he has a worryingly intense obsession with Pippa. I was hoping for his character that being back in NYC would help him sober up, but it seems his drug abuse is only worsening.
For those reasons, I decided to save myself and jump ship early. 

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