A review by booksuperpower
The Count's Lair by Stephanie Burkhart


The Count's Lair by Stephanie Burkhart is a 2013 Desert Breeze publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The Count's Lair is the second book in the Budapest Moon series. Anton Varga was a sad and broken man when we last heard from him. He had gone away for some soul searching, but now he is back home. The chance meeting he had with the accomplished pianist, Amelia Andrassy sparked something between them which at the time neither were in place to explore further. But, now that some time has passed is it possible for them put their painful past behind them and forge a future together, or will Anton's dark secret come between them?

It was good see Anton let go of his anger and bitterness. He now has many regrets but is striving to be a better person. Amelia is a widow still coping with her deceased husband's betrayals. She is not sure she can trust again, but wants to believe Anton has changed and wants to give him a chance.
In the background of the story is the meeting between Varga and a gypsy family being terrorized by the wolf pack that caused so much anguish for Anton. He takes the family in but danger continues to lurk.

The story's primary focus in on Anton's needing to convince Amelia they are soul mates and have her fall in love with him so that she can accept his condition. But, as they begin to fall in love, Anton finds it more and more difficult to give Amelia that final piece to the puzzle. I enjoyed the added sensuality to this one. Maybe it's just me, but I thought this one was a little steamier. Anton is so conflicted I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I also enjoyed the action as Anton battles his enemies. There were some really tense scenes toward the end.

Overall this one is a steady and true chapter in this series. 4 stars