A review by vikingwolf
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione

Did not finish book.
This was the first (and last) book I read by this author and I really disliked it. To start with I hated the characters who were all selfish, dull and annoying and seemed more like cardboard cutouts than real characters. "I want to live so I'll just kill an innocent girl and say I did it unselfishly for the good of humanity" Oh please!!! The plot was nothing to get excited about and the so called hero's attitude got on my nerves from the beginning though if he had murdered our heroine in the first chapter I really wouldn't have cared either way! I didn't like the style of writing and the world that was described just didn't grab me and say 'read more about me!!!'. I just found the whole thing dull and uninteresting and won't be reading anything else in the series.