A review by tui_la
Black Moon by Romina Russell



"Art is the purest pathway to the soul."

"The past can coexist with the present, but only if we remember it. So if I cheat the past by trying to change it, I'll risk forgetting it...and there are things I can't afford to forget."

"'I have always found it interesting that the symbol for Justice is a set of scales; the implication being that to achieve perfect harmony, good and bad must balance each other out. Rather than eradicating one, both must exist in equal quantities.'"

"There can be no universal standard for justice or fairness...for they are concepts that can only be defined in context; a villain is only a villain from the hero's point of view. There is no universal right or wrong because there can be no universal judge. Existence is too complicated and nuanced for such simplicity. And that is why the bad must exist alongside the good...because to eradicate one is to eradicate both.'"

"The only way to have a just society is to remember each other. Down to the last individual, without discounting any person or population, without ignoring people we would rather not see, even those whose values we revile."

"'Alone has nothing to do with how many people surround us...loneliness is a condition of the soul.'"

"'Your heart is the very thing that makes you [You]. Lose it and you lose yourself.'"

"True warriors do not think of violence as a weapon. Violence is a shield we must sometimes put on to protect our loved ones, and it is always the final form of defense."

"We have to learn from each experience, or we'll never be ready for what's ahead. We can't reset to zero after every tragedy."

"There can be no one-sized-fits-all formula for measuring fairness because every situation needs context. Everything is a shade of gray."

"It's been too long since I've looked forward to tomorrow."

"'You think emotions cloud one's outlook, but when you're so out of tune with your feelings, you won't see anyone clearly.

"'What am I supposed to do with what happened?' 'Remember it'"

"To know what you want, you have to let go of what you want to want."

"Dying has also taught me how important it is to live while I'm still here."

"The future is different for each of us. For some it's fifty years, for others it's ten months, and sometimes it's just a few minutes."

"I don't just want to fight for what I believe is right. I also want to be happy. I want to love fiercely, I want to see new worlds, I want to start a family...and above all, I don't want to wait."

"A powerful man wants people to dream of him, but a leader wants people to dream of themselves."

"How can we know where we belong if we don't know what we're missing?"

"In a universe ruled by fate, our power is in our choices."

"Sometimes our strongest-held beliefs can become our worst enemies."

"Conviction works against us when what we want to be true becomes more important than what's true."

"Without hope, tomorrow is just another day."

"We can't jump to judgement, or we'll never make any progress."

"Freedom shouldn't move like an arrow, in a singular direction. It should flow like an ocean, swallowing the whole horizon."

"[Some} chemical reactions require more than energy. They need a catalyst."

"Only when we let go of today will we be living tomorrow."

"We all have access to a powerful weapon, one that can change worlds with a single sound: our voice."

"Man needs a brain to live, but a mind to be alive."

"It isn't enough just to change things: First we have to change the way we change things."

"The liar's best tool is his honesty...Truth builds trust, and trust blinds truth."

"You were stuck in the same cycles of hate because you were still driven by your fear and not your faith."

"We create our own darkness."

"Truth is always the first casualty of war."

"The happiest people are the ones who have mastered life's hardest lesson...They've learned how to let go."

"Life is a dance of illusions."

"Memory can be an enemy you fear or a weapon you wield."