A review by thirty37seven
Batman, Volume 8: Superheavy by Scott Snyder


"Tell me, "Batman," have you ever seen RoboCop?"
No joke, I actually watched RoboCop right before I started reading this. Kind of surprised me when I got to this part. Great movie, by the way. Watch it if you haven't already. Did you know (I didn't until recently) that the guy who was RoboCop also was the voice of Batman in the Dark Knight Returns? That is one of the coolest things in existence. Nobody is more awesome than Peter Weller because of that connection. RoboCop and the Dark Knight Returns were both written by Frank Miller. (I did know this.) When I first watched RoboCop I kept thinking "Are we in Gotham? This feels very Gothamy." Both stories do have similar themes and visual elements. This stuff probably isn't news to everyone else but I just wanted to mark the fuck out about RoboCop being Batman.

"In the beginning, there was nothing. And then... there was Batman. And this was good."

I actually had very low expectations for this but I really liked it for what it was. Gordon as Batman is a hard sell and I think the writers definitely knew that and kind of leaned into it with lines like this:

"I'd like to go on record as saying this is the dumbest idea in the history of Gotham City."

"None of this is Batman, Geri."
"No, Jim, it's not. But if you want to be a part of it... you're going to have to try to accept that."

Jim is a bit of a dorky Batman and I just love that. I like that he's so drastically different from Bruce.

"Bat-stache away."

Brucie looking really good with the beard and his hair grown out. Bearded Batsy is very rare and very nice.