A review by ezichinny
On the Corner of Hope and Main: A Blessings Novel by Beverly Jenkins


3.5 stars

I haven't read this series in order. I could tell immediately that I jumped into an already moving train. I don't know how much that lack of knowledge hurt me but I get that the heroine Bernadine Brown is divorced and it was quite messy. She is currently separated from Malachi, the man she loves, because of some embezzlement scam.

Bernadine is an independent, strong-willed business woman who has plans to help her town grow. She has to learn to navigate the men who are on the town council as well as what she wants out of life. The author did a great job establishing a strong heroine who is capable, intelligent and clever.

There is a lot going on in this book but the story revolves around relationships. Multi-generational family drama takes front and center as its clear that some of the characters mentioned are from prior books. I enjoyed it but I did wish I had more foundation on Malachi and Bernadine as well as her weasel ex husband.