A review by ryanjjames
Mapping the Deep: The Extraordinary Story of Ocean Science by Robert Kunzig


3.5 stars - I really enjoyed the look into ocean science but found that some of the concepts were beyond my understanding. The book was also published nearly 25 years ago, so there is a bit of a gap to our current understanding of the oceans.

In "Mapping the Deep," Kunzig takes readers on a journey through the fascinating realm of ocean science. He begins by discussing early attempts to measure ocean depths and navigate the seas, highlighting the pioneering work of scientists and explorers. From ancient seafarers to the development of modern instruments and technology, the book showcases the gradual advancement in our ability to explore and understand the deep ocean.

The author explores various aspects of oceanography, including the exploration of the seafloor, the study of marine life, the dynamics of ocean currents, and the impact of human activities on marine ecosystems. He covers topics such as plate tectonics, hydrothermal vents, the discovery of deep-sea creatures, and the challenges faced by oceanographers in their quest to unravel the mysteries of the deep.

Kunzig also delves into the importance of oceanography in understanding climate change and its impact on marine environments. He explains how the ocean acts as a vital component of Earth's climate system, regulating temperature and serving as a carbon sink.

"Mapping the Deep" not only showcases the progress made in ocean science but also raises awareness about the fragility and importance of the oceans. It emphasizes the need for conservation and sustainable practices to protect these vast and vital ecosystems.

Overall, the book serves as an engaging and informative account of the history and significance of ocean science. It offers readers a deeper appreciation for the oceans and the ongoing scientific efforts to explore and preserve these enigmatic and critical parts of our planet