A review by jbarr5
The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook: How to Write Great Patterns that Knitters Will Love to Make by Sarah Walworth, Kristina McGrath


The Knitting Pattern Writing Handbook How to Write Great Patterns that Knitters Will Love to Make by Kristina McGrath; Sarah Walworth
Wish I had this book when I started writing my own patterns. One of the guidelines was to follow the publication style. Was pretty straight forward with my own personal words.
Love that this covers every single aspect of writing so the end user will NOT have a problem knitting the pattern you create. Appreciate the symbol explanations, being blind I can't use that method myself. Every section also has Q&A.
So many examples, sketches and words that really define this book. Glossary and index makes it simple to find exactly what it is you need help with. Excellent valuable information.
So exhilarating to create things for others to use. Feel like I accomplish something.
Received this review copy from Storey Publishing via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#TheKnittingPatternWritingHandbook #NetGalley.