A review by mistyelena
We Shall Be Monsters by Tara Sim

Did not finish book. Stopped at 53%.
First, I want to thank NetGalley, Tara Sim, and the publisher for allowing me to read this advanced reader copy.

I also want to mention before I go any further that I didn't finish this book but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't give it a try.

I was drawn to this book for the cover, it is absolutely beautiful! Upon reading the synopsis, I was somewhat hesitant about the horror aspect and hint of potential romance but intrigued about the blend of Frankenstein and Indian Mythology (and I LOVE a sister storyline). I've been trying to read books outside of my comfort genres and have been pleasantly surprised so I decided to give We Shall Be Monsters a try. Unfortunately, I'm also in my "if I'm not in love with it, I'm not finishing it" era, so I DNF'd at 53%. I might try to read the physical copy once it is published (partially so I can have this gorgeous cover on my bookshelf) because I didn't have any major issue with the book, I just simply could not get into it. I'm not sure if it was because I feel like the synopsis told me the first 35% in a few sentences or if it was the pacing itself but this book dragged for me. I kept trying to pick it up just to see if maybe something would hook me but I just never got there.

DNF for me just means that I set the book down and can't bring myself to pick it back up, there were no glaring issues for me and I would still recommend this to people who enjoy slower paced novels with some world building!