A review by aliterarymess
Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid


This review needs two parts, let’s say first half and second half. Because why not? And yes, SPOILERS are here because dude, it has BEEN year since we should’ve read this.

It took me YEARS to read this because a boy gave it to me the day before he dumped me and his name was Dave... so you do the math.

This book was okay-ish. It’s the kind of book you don’t like but don’t hate and certainly want to keep reading but need it to end.

First half- I disliked a lot. Too much angst, too childish, too “idealist”. I was so close to giving up. Until...
Second half- the book picked up and I was able to actually enjoy it and get a better grip on the characters. Until a certain beach scene happened and I can deal with that. Immature

Characters; I’m going to start by saying that I dislike Julia, since page 1. She was childish, over the top (unnecessary) and just not that great of a heroine. Dave was...okay. He pulled his weight until cheating on his GF with Julia. Not cool bro. Gretchen was good, likable and lever headed and 100% what this book needed. And Brett? I want more of him!

Overall I think the characters where very surface level, I couldn’t understand what they saw in Julia and the supporting characters where like an eggshell of a characters, I def didn’t know much lord anyone exempt how beautiful Julia is to Dave . AGAIN, not bashing, I liked the Growth in them but I was hard to read for the majority of it

Writing: this is by FAR my favorite thing. I loved the writing, specially when half way through the book we switched to Julia’s pint of view and I FELT a change. He managed to take us out of Dave’s level headed, calm and safe word into Julia’s chaos. And I appreciate it SO mucho!

I honestly don’t have anything else to say, other than I think this book would’ve been better for me 4 years ago, I liked it but I finished it and still would’ve wanted some more background and a more fleshed out supporting characters story. And more sense on Julia man, lol, I still don’t get it ahahha

But thank you for THAT WRITING!