A review by rock_n_reads
And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe by Gwendolyn Kiste


"We hold on to the memories we don't want, and we lose the ones we cherish."

2019 is going to be the year that I clear some space on my top bookshelf, which is reserved for my favorite reads. I need some room to include the work of Gwendolyn Kiste! Of all the short story collections I've read, this one moved me the most.

Kiste's writing pulled me in from the very first line of the acknowledgements, and it was a struggle to set this collection down from then on. Every single story in this book is well written, and they are woven together by strong female characters and themes of being overlooked, forgotten, or deemed an outsider by society.

If I had to choose, my top five favorite stories would be:

-Skin Like Honey and Lace

-The Tower Princesses

-The Man in the Ambry

-All the Red Apples Have Withered to Gray

-Ten Things to Know About the Ten Questions

I've often been asked why I love books and films that others might find disturbing, and my main answer is that they make me feel. Even if it's not always happy, I enjoy the experience of so many emotions. This collection made me feel. The stories brought me to tears a time or two, and there were many lines that resonated with my own experiences. Closing this book felt like being released from a warm embrace that I never want to end.