A review by shella688
The Quiet at the End of the World by Lauren James


I read this book last July, which will be relevant shortly.

First, I liked this book. I liked the two main characters, I liked the setting and the quiet apocalypse, and I enjoyed the twist and how you could piece it together.


But the main reason this book stuck with me as long as it did, is because Lauren James is really, really good at writing about a character stuck in a lockdown with no end in sight because of a global pandemic that no-one properly understands yet.

I read The Quiet at the End of the World at the height of the first lockdown and that's what made it such a memorable book.

>>> "Do you think when this is all fixed and over and done with, we’ll forget all about it? Will I one day tell my grandchildren about the whole thing as a horrible but exciting anecdote? Will it seem like a bizarre dream that lasted a few months, before normal broadcasting resumed? I’m not sure I’m the same person I was before this happened. I’m not sure any of us are. We’ve seen the desperate truth of how badly humans can behave when we’re forced into a corner. If life went back to normal, how could we stand it?"