A review by gayatriii
The Martian by Andy Weir


Ridley Scott is directing the movie. And it'll be better than the book. But the book is pretty good too. Great, funny, irreverent protagonist; unlike what we lay people might imagine of the folks over at NASA. I'm having a tough time imagining Matt Damon playing the part. Not happy.

Mark Watney is stranded on Mars and must survive long enough for a. NASA to figure out he's alive and stranded and b. hatch a rescue plan.

The book is crammed full of science, some fascinating and others more OTH. Lots of maths and physics. I didn't linger on those bits, obv.

The writing is mostly in first person from the POV of Watney, and there's a lot of oh shits and I'm fuckeds. So the criticism that Weir writes like a high schooler is probably well founded, but it didn't bother me so much. Helped me finish the book in 3 days too.

In conclusion, if you want a literary masterpiece, look elsewhere.