A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
Evernight by Claudia Gray



Ok, so--I tell people that I find it easier to do a review on a book I don't like. When I like a book I feel like I'm just gushy and it's pointless. When I don't like a book I tend to nit pick the crap out of it. So here goes my nit pick of Evernight.

First off, we don't actually get into the meat of the book until about page 160 I would say. The whole first 160 pages is spent wandering around with this whiny teenager that has 'anxiety' about strangers yet we don't really know why. She meets this boy Lucas for like five seconds and its all she can think about and she's in love. BAM! Ok, Claudia, I need just a little bit more than that to get me to care about a ship in a Young Adult novel.

Once we find out the big reveal (insert my lack of shocked breath sucking here) Bianca is a VAMPIRE! Um, why did the author do it this way? Why couldn't we know the whole book she was a vampire, a very rare vampire, and this is why she has social anxiety because her parents kept her in a tiny 'born-vampire bubble'. But no, we find all this good stuff out AFTER page 160.

It isn't that though that is most unnerving about reading this novel. The author spends slim to no time actually building up this tense romance with Bianca and Lucas. We need to care about this 'forbidden love' yet she spends more time building up Bianca and Balthazar so we end up being like--and why do we ever care about Lucas???

We care about Lucas for one simple reason. He's a kick ass vampire slayer! Which for me, as a Buffy fan, I was like WHOOT!

What I think the issue is, is that Claudia is no good at the 'love story'. She wrote a very very good plot aside from the typical young adult romance. However, in a typical young adult romance even I care about the love story! I just didn't in this. I didn't get sad when they were seperated over and over again. I didn't worry about them as a couple. The characters all around those two and their storylines were WAY more interesting! I kept reading because I like the outside intrigue.

So, in the end I didn't even like the lead character Bianca. She spent 99.9% of her time feeling sorry for herself and wondering where Lucas was or why he was ignoring her or why he didn't come wait for her or where Lucas was.

This might be a snarky review but I felt a little snarky and cheated to be honest. I spent a week slogging through this story hoping we would get some more Balthazar out of this--but alas, she shot him down flat because, "Lucas, it was always Lucas, I love him after knowing him for half a day!"