A review by chrissymcbooknerd
The cabbage patch doll fight: A Christmas shopping tale by C.D. Reimer


I guess Cabbage Patch Dolls just aren't all the rage anymore, huh? I walked right into the store and got a couple for my sister this week -- and yes, she's almost 30, so I guess that's about the right age to have been wanting one back during this craze. Don't think our parents braved the crowd at that time for these dolls (although they did later for those wretched Furbies!)

Anyways, in this little story, the author retells his memory of the time his mother got in a fist fight at Toys R Us to get a Cabbage Patch Doll for her baby granddaughter (who was likely too young to appreciate all of this suffering anyways, right?) Back then, there wasn't the luxury of the one click purchase online, of course. No you had to jump right in with the crowd in person to get that favorite gem of a Christmas gift! (Although, this must still happen -- I saw we had fist fights at the mall this week over shoes, of all things!)

Short easy read, but it was definitely funny and relatable to those of us born before the craze of internet shopping.

Thank goodness for Toy R Us online. I loathe setting foot in that store these days!