A review by adamrshields
The Kestrel by Lloyd Alexander


Short Review: Prior to the Hunger Games this is the only young adult series that I had read that I felt really had an anti-war theme. Reading it again for the first time in 20+ years the theme is not as strongly presented as I remembered. And the books have less detail than I remembered. But it is well worth reading. In the last book, Mickle is reunited with her parents and the tyrant Carabas is exiled. At the beginning of this book Theo is touring the country on the task of understanding the people and making recommendations to the King on what he can do to improve it. In the middle of this Westmark is invaded by Regina (the kingdom to the north).

Theo and Mickle do what they must to take back the kingdom. The theme of the trilogy really does seem to be duty over desire. Which is a unique theme for a young adult trilogy. This is anti war in the way that Starship Troopers is anti-war. By seeing how war destroys actual people. There are a number of characters killed, but the violence is not gratuitous. This is entirely appropriate for 12-15 year olds.

My full review is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/the-kestrel/