A review by happylilfaerie
Nimona by ND Stevenson


Nimona is selfish and cruel, she needs to go to therapy and stop using her trauma as an excuse to traumatize others! She literally MURDERS innocent people, she's not badass she's a coldhearted narcissistic killer who only cares about herself, she literally commits

she's awful to people who care about her and constantly complains about how she's all alone when she's the one who constantly lies, pushes everyone away and treats them like crap, like what did she expect to happen?

and Blackheart is an idiot,
why did he let himself get captured? did it not occur to him that Nimona would try and save him (therefore also getting captured)? and did he seriously think telling people about her only weakness is not going to come across as betrayal??

really don't understand the hype about this book.

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