A review by blithesquesttoread
Foreverland by Nicole C. Kear


I am pretty sure now that all the Middle Grade novels out there are purposely built in a way that will make me cry. There’s no other option apart from the inevitability of this whole scheme. And while we are on this topic, can someone explain me HOW IN THE WORLD do all of them somewhere kind of have the same basic structure but pop out so differently and so touching? I will never understand this beauty honestly.

Foreverland was a lot of things – different, touching, adventurous, fun, emotional, scary (in some aspects, yes it was scary) and most of all MAGICAL. They way it ended was also magical… especially the way it ended. Margaret and Jamie were one of a kind, both facing inexplicable changes and troubles in there lives and hence coming to foreverland to spend their time, to have FUN that seems to be missing from their life. There was a hint of mystery laced through the plot because it wasn’t ever explicitly made clear why both of them ran away from their home, their thoughts, feelings and what further they sought from their little runaway adventure (refuge most of all).

The thing that I liked the most about this book was how open-ended it was. The characters somehow never voiced out how they were feeling, it was through their actions that one could understood what was happening to them. And furthermore, it had mental health rep too – ADHD and it wasn’t ever explicitly mentioned but one of the characters did show some symptoms of OCD. Although as it wasn’t directly mentioned anywhere, I cannot draw my conclusion on the subject.

All in all, I really reaallllyyy enjoyed reading this book, and despite the fact that I loved the ending, I did not want to leave the characters and their story behind. This book was very well character driven which I loved with whole my heart ❤ ❤

Trigger Warnings*: Divorce, Death

Note*: I was provided with a free e-copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for an honest review