A review by annkniggendorf
The Down Home Zombie Blues by Linnea Sinclair


I "discovered" Linnea Sinclair's scifi romances a few years ago and pretty much binge-read them back then, except this one because I - falsely - assumed it to have rotten flesh walking around (a.k.a. zombies of the more traditional type); however, "zombie" is merely the name for a cybernetic alien monstrosity that escaped its purpose and leash and...
...but that's to be read in the book!
The book is an entertaining scifi-military-romance of sorts with a twist, likeable characters, not-so-likeable (but still funny) alien office politics, and a closure that feels kinda haphazardly rushed, rounding the story up in what seems to be less than a page. This, and a couple annoying typos and missing words - along with the misleading title that kept me from picking it up at first - caused it the fifth star. Otherwise, great read!