A review by mackle13
Moonkind by Sarah Prineas


The concluding - and I think best - part of the trilogy.

After the events of the second book, some of the Lords and Ladies swore on oath to Fer to remove their glamouries, but they become Forsworn which has ramifications for not just them and Fer, but for the faerie realms at large.

Meanwhile, Rook tries to figure out exactly how he feels about Fer and what it means. As a puck, it goes against his nature to be attached to anyone who's not a puck - but is there a way for him and Fer to forge a path through the world?

And will she let him, after previous events?

I really liked the Rook parts of this story. He really developed as a character and actually had the most growth in this story - perhaps in the trilogy as a whole. (Fer sort of annoyed me at times, in this aspect of the story. I understood her reluctance to trust him again, but she also didn't seem to really give him a fair chance. That said, I may be biased, because Rook is, by far, my favorite part of the story.)

As to the Forsworn part of the story - it was well done, for the most part, and the situation felt realistic and suspenseful enough, but I was sort of disappointed in the ending. I mean, it felt kind of anti-climactic after the build up to get there.

That part of the story really almost felt like a vehicle for the other part of the story - and it did end up feeling, overall, like this story was much more about Fer and Rook and whether or not their friendship would be able to survive.

Enjoyable, overall, with a good resolution to the trilogy.