A review by breelight
The Land of Steady Habits by Ted Thompson


#45 a book set during Christmas

I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher through GoodReads giveaways

This book grabbed me immediately even though I don't really care for angsty, self-absorbed characters. There is a bit of jumping around in terms of time/era which caught me off guard in the beginning but it was necessary to set up the background of the characters and became more obvious as I moved through the novel. Character development is lacking as well. There are some funny parts but I didn't think it was as hilarious as some other reviewers for whatever reason. I have a hard time feeling sorry for people that make their own disasters but I did connect with some of the characters. I found that I know some similar people in my own life and it gave me some perspective.

The writing itself was not difficult to read but there were some unexpected writing devices that appeared sporadically. It was a nice break and kept the reading manageable.
This book was fast paced and engrossing.