A review by fbroom
Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani


Anita describes her NDE experience and what she had learned from it. It felt like reading an article more than a book. Antia learns from the other realm that we are taught from a very young again to be afraid although we shouldn’t as all our problems including her cancer she believes, stems out from her fear. She believes the power of healing comes from loving yourself and being kind to it. She describes her NDE as like waking up from a dream with complete and full senses allowing her to feel and see everything. She wasn’t anymore in a state of thinking but rather in a state of being. Time was no longer linear as she can live her past, present and the future simultaneously. She was in a state of pure and unconditional love with no judgement what so ever. She also learns that heaven is a not a place but rather a state.