A review by emmabubx
Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index by Julie Israel


I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Juniper Lemon is dealing with the death of her sister by trying to keep her memory alive. The main character, Juniper is written so well, the grief she's feeling is almost real. The romance wasn't too in your face as a lot of YA books seem to be lately, I could see it coming from the start, but it wasn't the main theme of the book, which I liked. I did feel as if everything was wrapped up a little too well, all except for who actually is You? I suppose that's the point in the ending though, it doesn't really matter who You is, Juniper has accepted the fact that she will most likely never know. One thing I wasn't the biggest fan of was just how often Juniper gets herself involved in other people's drama, in the beginning it's almost as if she's trying to keep a low profile.
4/5 stars