A review by rbruehlman
Why the Germans? Why the Jews?: Envy, Race Hatred, and the Prehistory of the Holocaust by Gotz Aly


Why the Germans? Why the Jews? explores how antisemitism developed so violently among the Germans, and why Jews in particular were targeted. Aly (rightly) notes that many people explain Nazism as "evil", othering themselves from it as something they would never personally partake in. But, yet, Nazism and antisemitism engendered popular support, and Hitler could not have remained in power if people did not believe in any of it. Antisemitism, Nazism, the Holocaust--it was not some aberrant thing that happened to a select few evil people.

Aly notes that, to start with, centuries-long discrimination against Jews worked in their economic favor--urban-dwelling and blocked from most occupations, Jews found their way into occupations that were uniquely advantageous as the Industrial Revolution got going. Moreover, Jews had a long history of education, whereas Germans did not; as such, as the workforce transitioned from agriculture, Jews were able to jump into more highly paid, educated positions much more quickly. Jews were, objectively, overrepresented in higher education, political offices, etc Separate from any religious antipathy, many resented Jews for simply being unusually successful. Simply put, Aly argues, Germans were less driven, less education-motivated, and envious.

This had an ugly interplay with the rising tide of nationalism after Napoleon's brutal invasion. Aly argues that Germans were turned off from liberalism because of their treatment at the hands of Napoleon, and instead reached for nationalism, and particularly ethnic nationalism. Jews were not considered German, and, given that they were disliked anyway, provided an easy jumping off point to drive home a sense of ethnic identity. This sense of national pride was only further bolstered by the aftermath of WW1. Germans doubled down on national socialism, ethnic Germans against the world. Jews were targeted by envious, less well-off Germans, who considered Jews intellectually and socially superior in a way that was, in fact, deleterious to broader society.

Finally, Aly contends, Germany's economic and education explosion in the early 1900s further cemented antipathy towards Jews, this time from the burgeoning middle class. A glut of newly educated Germans graduated into a depressed society that did not have enough jobs for them. Overrepresented Jews were an easy scapegoat, and when they started being purged from academic posts and their businesses dismantled, Germans struggling to find a job weren't exactly going to complain--it worked in their favor.

While the book made no attempt to tie German antisemitism to any modern-day culture's issues, I can easily see the parallels between Trump-era politics and the rise of American nationalism. Envy is a powerful and poisonous thing.

I found this a well-researched book, and the logic felt sound and well-reasoned to me. I mostly rated this three stars because I, personally, was a bit bored, by no fault of the book. I find World War 2 and the surrounding social climate interesting, but my attempts at history books (regardless of era) so far would indicate I am just not a fan of the genre.

I do wish the author had explored antisemitism in other countries more, however. The book asks, "Why the Germans?", and while it does explain what sociopolitical events led Germany to its fatal antisemitism, it does not actually answer the question, "Why Germany specifically?" It is not as if a baseline antisemitism was not common throughout Europe.