A review by saltycorpse
In a Perfect World by Laura Kasischke


I didn't think Kasischke would write such a sentimental novel - but here it is. Not that it's a bad book, the story is simple: a young and new stepmother to three children, trapped with only a few neighbours in their tiny city while a new plague sweeps America. Kasischke knows how to do apocalypse in a slow-burn, and I appreciated everything about the backdrop and small details of this novel, which seem simple but in reality took a tremendous amount of research on the author's part.

The one key-Kasischke component was the disillusionment of the idea of romance and the "perfect" marriage.

I did actually enjoy the development of Jiselle's relationship with her two step-daughters, Sara in particular.

Kasischke is a wonderful writer, and although this isn't her darkest, or my favourite of her books, I appreciate the fantastically well-done apocalyptic backdrop to what would have otherwise been a bit of a "chicken soup for the soul" Oprah book club special.