A review by meegzreads
More Than Him by Jay McLean


*5 Stars*

Copy kindly received in exchange for an honest review.

After the ending of the previous book, I really had to know what would happen with Logan and Amanda. Their relationship has been such a whirlwind of intensity and destruction, and I had no idea how Jay McLean was going to bring them back from it all.

I devoured this book, as I've come to expect I will with any of Jay's books. I found this one really delved into their feelings and the events that surrounded certain things which occurred in the previous book.

Logan and Amanda are so good together when things are going well, and it was a bit eye opening in this one to see how their destruction played a role in other peoples feelings as well. There are such great characters in this series, and I can't wait to read more and more about them. I liked how this showed how differently people deal with situations. How they can be in the same place or witness the same thing, yet it affects them in a totally different way.

And Logan, sweet sweet Logan, just really needs some good in his life. He's a decent guy underneath it all, and I totally understand why I've seen plenty of people saying in their reviews that they love him. I do too.

Loved this one from start to finish, and I can't wait to dive into the next book from this series. Always recommend. (Note, this series must be read in order).

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