A review by vszcecilia
Those You Killed by Christopher Badcock


Right, so maybe I was in the wrong mood for this, or maybe I’m just too impatient or whatever other excuse one can make up as to why I really did not enjoy this book.
It started off well, with the astronaut, sure, but then it was just sooo slow and nothing was happening.
I actually dnf-ed it 300 pages in, with 80 pages remaining because I just so could not care less and was looking up free little libraries to rid myself of this disappointment sitting on my shelf as soon as possible.
I am so upset both by this book but also by myself, because I had such high expectations with all the great reviews, like what is wrong with me, why did I not enjoy this as much? But yeah, I just really could not care less for the ending for whatever reason that I can’t quite put into words. Of course there were some great moments as well, especially in the beginning, some great quotes and the depiction of addiction was very well done (hence why I am givinng it 3 stars), but it could have been half the length it was and the story I feel like would have been the same if not better. It was just sooo tedious by the end that I literally couldn’t bring myself to finish the last sprint and it was giving me anxiety every time I was about to pick the book up. Now I’m sad and disappointed so hopefully onto better things (for me anyway).
Also sidenote that didn’t actually add to my low rating and disappointment in this book, but I think is important to mention: this book could have used some proofreading before getting published…