A review by artismyhammer
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen, Ben H. Winters


The title of this really should be, "S&S&SM, Or: The Adventures of the Dashwoods and How Margaret Discovered and Subsequently was Taken Over by the Deep Ones." Or maybe just, "Regency Lovecraft: the Deep Ones' Revenge."
I had a hard time getting into P&P&Z, despite my expectations, so I wasn't sure how I was going to react to this one.
Fortunately, it was HILARIOUS. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was listening to it being read by a very proper-sounding British lady (over-blown sense of theatrics notwithstanding). But whatever it was, I laughed a lot at this. It was wonderfully silly--highly recommend it, probably best as audio book (even if there aren't the pictures).