A review by aliviasbookshelf
Escape to Witch City by E. Latimer


Escape from witch city was, in my opinion, the perfect book.

Exciting and witty main characters with their own personal goals, a plot that was easy to understand and follow along, and despite being a novel with war themes and action, it felt calm. It felt like the characters actually had a chance. And that was huge for me.

The writing was gorgeous, to start. The worldbuilding was amazing and I absolutely adored how the magic system worked. The background was established without being shoved down your throat and the characters had actual raw and biased feelings. 13 year olds felt like 13 year olds should feel in dangerous life saving situations.

Our story follows Emma in a kingdom where witches are exiled and sent away. Emma is the niece of the queen, and she senses magic in herself. Then comes the testing and she's pushed together with other young witches to discover the truth. And discover a place. Witch City.

I think my favorite part of this book is how ageless it feels.
Younger viewers can enjoy Action and excitement without feeling overwhelmed by scary themes.
Older viewers can enjoy the gothic themes and amazing story. It's incredible.

So go add this to your TBR.