A review by mamabearreading
E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earth's Core! by William Joyce


I went into this book pretty blind, or at least, as much as you can for having watched the movie and read the book that came before it! So I had no idea what to expect!
Some things still remain the same, the beautiful writing, the childlike wonder to the story, the characters that you've come to love. All those things that made the first book so special are here as well! The story is a little slower to start, but only marginally in my opinion.

Getting to know Pitch's story a bit more wasn't something I expected (though I really don't know why, I had always pictured him as a Villain with a capital 'V'. Always had been evil, always would be.) so the peak into his back story was an unexpected... pleasure isn't the right word. Bonus? Benefit of this story. It made me a lot more sympathetic to his character, something I did not expect when I opened the book. He's still the villain and clearly in the wrong, but knowing more about his history makes things different.

E. Aester Bunnymund also falls into the category of unexpected! It came out the same year as the movie, but in February, a full 9 months before the film came out, so I was surprised at just how different the character in the movie was from the book. I suppose I really shouldn't be, as our current version of the character who will be Santa is only slightly distanced from his ne're-do-well past, still very young, and still very skinny! But even in North's case, it doesn't take too much squinting to see his future self, but Bunnymund baffles me. As much as I really enjoyed his introduction and even the character arc he has in this book, he still seems so very different from who he will be. I'm hoping that we'll get to see more of his future self as the books continue!

Overall, I loved the book and am looking very forward to reading the third!

1 Star - Hated It
2 Stars - Didn't Enjoy It
3 Stars - It Was Okay
4 Stars - Really Enjoyed It
5 Stars - Loved It